
By Hubie

Poppy Field & Tulip Cross

This will be the last time I use the school poppies as my shot of the day. To be honest, I had nothing better today; a day which I spent photographing kids and activities for a new school website.

But - this is an image that bears repetition for all the obvious reasons. For those of you who don't know, we created our own field of poppies at school, every person (old and young) connected with the school made one. The governors made the yellow tulips which form a cross in the centre of the poppies.

Tomorrow, the whole school will gather here and I will lead an act of remembrance, attempting to make sense of a century of fighting to children who have missed at best 90% of that time. What will they make of it? How do I make that message resonate without scaring or worrying or trivialising? How do I make sure that each and everyone of the children hears and grasps the importance of what we are doing? The truth is I can't. But I can try and that has to be enough.

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