Day 4 strong legs required

Bruce an I were up early and decided to have a drive up the mountain on the narly road we were looking for the head water of the river, we turn right after an hour and I couldn't believe what I saw in all her glory Mt Cook, what a sight we were overs 1000 Mtrs high the landscape was amazing.
The track turned to mud so we headed back down,

We parked the 4 wd on some flat land and Bruce said we will head out here and follow the sheep track, well after a while thy ran out, we walk for about an hour on this large hill behind Bruce we started on that flat bit yes you do have to look for it, we walked straight across and then down to were Bruce is boiling the billy, after a cuppa and lunch we head up river fishing as Bruce went. There were loads of rainbow trout, we crossed the river many times, and at times we had to climb up the side of the river as we were unable to walk those parts of the river to fast and deep.
Sam coped very well I wished at times that I had four legs.
It was a great day despite the scrambling the river is called the Otematata what a great name for a river, a drive out tomorrow heading got the Demsey pass

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