Another sunset

Luang prabang Or year three depending upon your point of view...

And another day passes...and the darkness of the last days begins to lift, the madness of the last weeks also...

Today adrift upon words, footfall followed by old songs and snatches of verse...a wandering around aimless kind of day...echoes of Pondy in the architecture, a glimpse of a ghost in midday shadows and later an overhead phrase in German and a pseudo philosophical email brought a wind to begin the dispersal of my transient cloudscape, a reminder of the simplest most complex web of forgettings. And I stay one more day, tomorrow find a bus north, a torch and the ongoing attempt to get needle and thread...

tonight a cat in the market and a disagreement over whose food it was, earlier a coffee, later another wander through the night's a strange place, a place of some charm but too touristic, but possibly just where I needed to find...and the road calls...and still my questions remain, a refrain upon the longsong of this trip...

And for the blipyear, also a strange one...again I thank all who've visited, commented and shaken their heads; in truth it's been a year of gaps and a feeling of unassailable distances between eye and lens: a year of sorrows and delights, of friends lost and found...and tomorrow?

Same same but different...

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