Simply Me

By Suze981

Oh what a beautiful morning!

I was up early for a run today before work – another 5k ticking over quite nicely. My feet are definitely on the road to recovery this time. In fact, I barely felt the orthotics – only when I was running around corners. I’m thinking this is definite progress.

The view in Holyrood Park was spectacular first thing, I couldn’t resist a shot of the sky above Arthur’s Seat.

I was back in Scottish Parliament today for another meeting. This time it just happened to coincide with the Remembrance Day ceremony. So on at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, I stood in the Garden Lobby and observed the Two Minute Silence with Parliament.

Tricia Marwick MSP, the Presiding Officer led the commemoration, which included an excerpt from Ode of Remembrance, a Bugler playing Last Post and Reveille, Stuart McMillan MSP playing Flowers O' The Forest on the bagpipes and Tricia reading In Flanders Fields. It was a poignant ceremony and I felt honoured to be a part of it.

In other news, Olivia - my soon to be niece - has still not arrived yet! She is now past her due date. I hope she gets a wriggle on soon, I can't wait to meet her!

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