New Duvet and Other Rubbish

Described by Jay as "horrible", "old lady", and "really not nice".

I like it though and that is obvs what matters. Oh and that it cost £22 from matalan.

One day I will learn that on days my leg doesn't hurt and I can walk really easily not to spend the whole day walking everywhere because then the next day everything bloody hurts again and I am strangely tired all day. Today was the hurting/ tired day for the record.

Also for the record, we have nearly finished the freezer clearance project ahead of a defrost. And guess what I discovered? Apparently, defrosting the freezer happens on a very regular basis in November. Same week every year and I also feel the need to record the fact for posterity.

What a load of mundane rubbish I have written here. Please go and look at the really fabulous poppy pictures and moving words that are covering blip today instead.

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