
By pattons6

Bye mummy

I had a great morning at playgroup today. I played wither all the dressing up clothes. I had the princess dress, police hat and flip flops on along with arm fills of bangles. I even managed a painting too.

When I got back from playgroup I had a lovely lunch before settling down for a nap. When I woke up I got daddy up too. Mummy had some exciting news for us. She had entered a competition while we were sleeping and she had won. We are waiting to here the full details of the prize and when we are going to collect it. We know it includes a £100 voucher for John lewis and a robotic puppy. Seemingly though it is going away for Christmas. Oh so exciting!

I had a lovely afternoon playing with mummy and daddy. I was very pleased to see my sister after school. We played with my horse which I have called Caley and we also played check ups/doctors.

Daddy gave me my bath before he went to work, mummy's back is very sore so she is trying not to lift me too much. I had FaceTime with grandma and grandad, I was very pleased to see the both. I also spoke to grandma on the phone later on too as mummy was trying to speak to her but I wanted to chat to grandma.

At bedtime I wanted to stay up. Eventually I found my favourite teddy and said bed time mummy. Sleeping time, so now iam in my cot all cosy while a big storm blows outside.

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