The Wren

By TheWren

Soft layers

The late afternoon light is very special out here and today the different layers of the hills seen from my son's garden were beautiful. It has been a very busy day with two different appointments for baby L involving trips in the car and she was a very tired girl by the time the day finished. The first appointment was particularly stressful for her as the eye surgeon was checking on her tiny retinas to monitor the progress of the ROP - Retinopathy of Prematurity. The examination involved numerous eye drops to enlarge the pupils and then a very close scrutiny under bright lights of the backs of her eyes - she was swaddled all the time but wasn't a happy bunny. The good news was that the tiny vessels feeding her retinas were showing signs of growing properly now.

Not for the first - or undoubtedly the last - time I have been overwhelmed by the expert and loving care by those looking after these little ones. .... It was an early night for us all.

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