The V&A

The first day of my holiday.

I decided to have a nice adventure in London doing the galleries and museums and generally being a complete tourist.

So I booked a horrible grubby single room in a horrible grubby Earl's Court hotel and took my camera and A to Z and started my adventure.

The V&A had a brilliant exhibition called Disobedient Objects. A thousand objects displaying how protestors have found ways of bucking the establishment, making their voices heard and getting their message across.

Women's Suffrage, Gay rights, political independents, freedom of worship, freedom of speech, abuse of resources, protests from all over the world. It is amazing how people just cannot be silenced.

There were leaflets showing how to improvise 'protest objects'. How to make a tear gas mask from a four litre plastic bottle with the side cut off, a surgical mask stuffed in the neck and two elastic bands. Might come in useful that.

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