
By Lazio_Lad


A quick lunchtime blip from the Kirkyard of Saint Nicholas.
Taken for the shaft of light that briefly came through the clouds and highlighted this headstone..
John Angus:
This evening I looked him up to find out who he was.
The only noteworthy item appeared to be he was a member of the Council of The Spalding Club.
This piqued my interest.What was the Spalding Club.
Rules of the Spalding Club
I The name of the society shall be the Spalding Club, for the printing of Historical, Genealogical, Topographical, and Literary Remains of the North Eastern Counties of Scotland.

II The objects of the Club shall be the printing of inedited manuscripts and the reprinting of works of sufficient rarity and importance to make such reprints desirable.

III The Club shall consist of members being subscribers of One Guinea annually; such subscriptions to be paid in advance, on or before the first day of January in each year.

And another forty or so other rules. A book club where you could write a book or find and old book or map or document and they would reprint it and every member received a copy.

They couldn’t have imagined the internet or the power of Google!

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