Some days...

Some days are just too grey and busy to get anything decent with my camera. So the trusty phone and some comfort food with have to do today.

Ever since I went on an exchange trip to Germany as a young teenager, I've had a liking for egg and chips with a bit of lettuce dressed in a creamy vinaigrette. This is because when my (English) friend and I went to the local department store cafe neither of us had enough German to be able to read the menu with any confidence. We pointed to the cheapest thing on there and were mightily relieved to discover that it was egg and chips. We really enjoyed it too. So much so that I seem to remember we went back several times :)

In a strange way history almost repeated itself at the weekend when we ordered a sausage and egg sandwich for breakfast in an Ely cafe and were slightly disconcerted to discover that it came with a side salad and some coleslaw. Even I found that a bit challenging so early in the morning!

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