River of Flowers

By doffy

Building Progress

Our neighbour's house is coming on well, the last week or so has been rainy but quiet and the menn have been busy putting the roof trusses on and building in the gable end. Today, though, work has stopped because gales and heavy rain are forecast. This is how it looked about 3 weeks ago. The wind picked up late afternoon and we had a few showers.

I had my blood test done, no problem - results tomorrow and appointement with the doctor late afternoon.

I finished planting the garlic this morning and gave a spare bulb to my neighbour across the road. Sawed a few more dead branches, provided logs for the woood burner. I also started sawing branches of the red dogwood - they will make very good bean poles and pea support next spring. MrD has asked for the dogwood to be cut back in order to get at the hedge properly.

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