Trio of Authors

I am just back from a fund raising event in aid of Scotland’s Gardens at Blair Drummond House, and three authors with very different stories were signing books.

Explorer and plant collector Peter Hutchinson and his co-author Peter Cox have produced a magnificent book, “Seeds of Adventure” detailing their adventures to remote corners of the Himalayas, China and Turkey where they brought back thousands of plants as seeds over the years thus introducing new varieties into the UK.

Sue Stephen, goddaughter of Marion Burrell, has written a remarkable account about the untold Burrell Story
The Collectors Daughter” with insights into that of Marion’s father Sir William Burrell. Sue, now in her 80th year, spent twenty years researching the book.
“I had never written a book in my life. I gave my first lecture when I was 80.” (She is an inspiration to us all).

My former colleague Anne Johnstone on The Herald has written a poignant book
“A Village Remembers” chronicling the lives of men from Strathblane who died during the First World War.
They all have very different stories which add to the rich tapestry of our culture and well worth telling.

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