Unintentional modelling

Whilst my partner was enjoying the day at Cheltenham Races, I took a train to Bristol to a trip to join an Olympus sponsored walk around parts of the city centre.

For me, the main purpose was to try out the new Olympus micro four thirds Pro 40-150mm f2.8 lens. There are only a few of them in the country and it has a hefty price-tag. So it was great fun to attach this expensive optic to my OMD and take a few candid shots of unsuspecting models

The focussing is satisfyingly fast and accurate. This shot taken on a bridge over the quayside, is a jpeg, straight from the camera except for a square crop and resized. Brilliant lens - I want one!

I will be a little behind with blips for a couple of days since we are away from home and travelling quite a bit, so please bear with me.

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