The Exhibitionist - Jeff Mills

Tonight was the private view of my workmate MAckie's exhibition. He'd been commissioned to shoot a series of science related images to produce an exhibition for the Moredun institute. It was a good night, several workmates and other people I knew were there, including the family blogs. Admittedly we nipped out at about seven for a quick dinner at Mother India then back in for a bit after dinner.

If you're from Edinburgh and you're interested it's on until the 27th at the Dovecot on Infirmary Street. If you're not in Edinburgh I just finished building a new website for him yesterday. The stuff from this exhibition is in the current projects section.

Today's music is a bit of a cheat as it's not really a song. The title comes from a live DVD/CD Jeff Mills did a few years back. It was him doing a set on three decks in a shop window and on the dvd you could switch between a selection of angles. The link goes to an excerpt from the first ten minutes, whether you like the music or not it'squite impressive stuff.

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