Farmers Market Bling

It was a pleasure to be back at the Bellingham Farmers Market today, with the bright sunshine making the cold temperature more tolerable.

Much to my surprise, there were farmers who still had tomatoes and peppers on their stalls, thanks to the use of hoop houses and greenhouses, as well as the plethora of squashes, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, and other vegetables we expect to see at this time of year. Among the more unusual offerings were locally-grown walnuts, as well as medlars, persimmons, tomatillos, and ears of black popping corn!

I opted for a stunning bracelet by Weasel Glass, one of my favorite market vendors, for today's blip, liking the way the light bounced off the beads and the simple background used to set the bracelet off. This strong visual image fits with the "Saturday Senses" category of the November Theme Challenge. Although I probably won't participate in the challenge every day this month, it's very helpful to have daily themes to spur creativity during these days of low light and cold weather.

P.S. Yesterday's dancing leaf hit the Spotlight--thanks to your stars and favs!

Blip 1090

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