
By Brotographer

Phase 7

New city, new life, new phone.

The new city: London. I moved here on September 10th, and am now living with the boys CBA, Rowanboat and Regan.

The new life: I now work the 9-5 life (8-5 actually) as a mechanical engineer in an engineering & construction firm. Not much else has changed as life goes otherwise.

The new phone: Yeah, I gave in to the need, finally. I now have a smartphone, hence how this photo was taken. Spoiler alert: screen is already smashed two months in, turns out smartphones aren't as solid as my dear nokia bricks. Also, the camera is an absolute waste, but you gotta do what you gotta do, I can't drag the X100S around everywhere unfortunately...

This is taken at St Paul's after a trip to Pilgrim street, at the end of a week of training with all the grads, right before meeting up with Eve for lunch. Watching these guys wash the queen was pretty entertaining actually!

To be honest, this blip has been long overdue. Just shows to what extent I've been busy recently. I stopped taking photos everyday after the trip in Corsica finished. Painful as it is, this means my blip will now be full of holes. If anything, it's more holes than photos. I miss blipping everyday, I find my memory is all the worse for it now actually.
I've come to realize something, it's that I like being able to record my life through photos and a couple words. Mostly, too many words.
So from now on, blip is something different for me. It's a way of putting down the occasional photo, so when I look back on this part of my life, there's pieces of the puzzle linking everything together.

For anybody still following, I hope you enjoy it, but there's not gonna be much quality photography on here it seems, not with this phone...


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