Happy Homebase* Christmas

There's no red noses,
But, there's sparkles a-plenty;
Such shiny reindeer.

*other DIY superstores are available ;)

My local DIY superstore has had a massive makeover since I last visited. It now contains an Argos, a Costa, and, a Habitat section. Far too many pretty things! I was very restrained and didn't buy any of these and as it's still looking unlikely that I'll be well enough to put my tree up I didn't fill my basket with small shiny things either. An early Christmas miracle!

In good news I discovered that the multi-storey car park in Newmarket doesn't give me the dizzies like the one in Saffron Walden does. In bad news I discovered that Tescos still does. So, I had a sit down in their Costa Coffee (which makes 3 in Newmarket now!) with a soy hot chocolate and a bacon & cranberry panini. In their defence I was having holding-onto-the-walls dizzies first thing so I maybe shouldn't have been there but I had a parcel to collect and I honestly felt OK when I left. I don't want any of you thinking I'm driving unresponsibly. Not worth the risk.

I have an opportunity to go to Peterborough tomorrow if my work desk isn't too overloaded. I hate never being able to give a firm yes or no to anything though in case I'm plagued by the vertigo but it is nice to still be asked. My Dad's offered to stay with Stella so I hope I feel OK :)

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