
Another grey, grey day...

I spent most of this afternoon trying to get my new laptop set up properly. First you have to work your way through all the configuration stuff; so far so good.

My first priority was to download Photoshop and it took some doing to find the download link (I bought PS before adobe rolled out the 'subscription' idea.) However, it did download and install ok, but it took forever due to slow internet speeds. Then another age passed while I re-downloaded various plug-ins and the Nik collection. I eventually managed to adjust the interface type sizes to something bigger than miniscule - and in the process I seem to have thrown out the precision of the cursor in certain areas. It does odd things when hovering over the filter tab - not good when I want to open silver efex! GRRR!

I feel like I need to 're-orient' the cursor, like I do on my classroom smartboard... any ideas? If not, I will hope that rebooting the laptop will do the trick...

However, the new processing speeds are a dream - no more hanging around for images to transfer to sfx an back!

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