Shit Happens....

We are home after a very long day!

Up early - very early! Walked dogs, packed the last bits into the car, had breakfast and was at the venue at 7.30 ready for training in the Main Arena, where the Individual Final of the Nordic Championship was to be held.

Both Biscuit and Hero were on the Danish team for the Nordic Championship, but only Hero qualified for the individual final, so Biscuit had a day off today, which he was rather pleased with as he did not have to stay focused on a job, so he could be out and about all day getting everyone to cuddle him.

Hero seemed calm and focused, when we were warming up. Everything felt right. When the judges were ready, we were invited into the ring. We got ready in our start pose and asked for the music to start.... Nothing happened. I tried again... Still nothing. Finally our music started, Hero did his first move... the music stopped again!

Then the judges asked us to leave the ring until the music was sorted. Unfortunately my treats and Hero's ball had already been taken to the exit (efficient stewarts!), so all Hero got was a few treats, which someone gave me.

When the music was ready, we got to enter the ring again, but Hero was frustrated about the lack of rewards and a bit confused about it all. He lost it and was very OTT throughout the routine. Not a great feeling and it probably didn't look very good, but hey-ho... we managed to complete and finish on a 7th place in the Championship. The 7th best freestyle dog in the Nordic Countries is not bad really :-)

I wish we had had a better time in the ring, but shit happens sometimes and it is something we need to be able to handle, when you compete at this level. I am still a bit disappointed though. Not in Hero, but in the whole situation. I could never be disappointed in Hero - he is a star - and we made it to the individual final, and got to perform in the fabulous Main Arena :-)

More pictures here!

Sooo after the closing ceremoni, we took off on the long drive back to Denmark.

The boys and I were home at 10 pm.!!!

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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