Erinn Letts Photos

By ErinnL

First Avenue

It's below 20˚ today. Evan has been puke free for 24 hours, but now Mia has a croupy cough. The laundry is piled up, but what else do we have to do on a day like today? Jim, however, found a lovely little project.

For as long as I've known him, Jim has saved his ticket stubs in an old cigar box that his uncle made for him. He always knew he was going to do something special with them one day. The cigar box had grown quite full the past few years. Then last weekend we bought a piece of art from the gallery where I sell some photos. It actually was a one of a kind test print of First Avenue, our favorite concert venue. Jim had the idea to cover a mat with all of our old First Avenue tickets and then add it and the print to a frame. It turned out brilliant and we added it to the wall where we hung his gift from Greg.

You may not be able to see the details here, but the print is in the lower right corner and the ticket stubs include: Garbage, Wilco, Sinead O'Connor, Ryan Adams, The Shins, Interpol, Moby, Burning Spear, The Jayhawks, Golden Smog, Neko Case, Cat Power, The Black Crows, The Samples, Patti Smith and more. And these are just the ticket stubs from when the ticket stubs looked cool. It really is a lovely trip down memory lane.

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