It was wonderful to have my son Daniel visit and stay last night for the first time since he'd been back at university. We had a good old chat (and right laff!) I think I wore the poor chap out with my questions! He had to leave to catch the coach back to Oxford just after midday, so I travelled up to Waterloo with him. He's a student welfare rep, so was organising a tea party later in the afternoon, as a lot of them are suffering with 'fifth week blues'.

After I left him, I caught the bus to Hammersmith and walked to Putney, through Fulham Palace. I ended up buying a pot of red ornamental grass in the gardens there. One of a few straggly plants they had left over from planting their winter borders. They had an 'honesty box' (a terracotta pot with a big hole in to put the money in) so popped my coins in and took my grass. I bet some dishonest scoundrel makes off with that honesty pot though! Scoundrels have also been damaging statues around Hammersmith and Fulham. I saw quite a few 'decapitated' statues, including one in the middle of a pond. Absolutely unbelievable. Why would anyone want to do that? I've been in the area a couple of times over the last week (and no, I don't carry a sledgehammer in my rucksack!)

Back later, hopefully, to catch up with your journals!

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