Blip Quiz

Today I decided to issue everyone who manages to call by my journal with a challenge. After taking images this morning I came back and loaded them onto the laptop. I was absolutely intrigued with one particular photo and decided I would have a bit of fun with it.

On Thursday night I will change the image and replace it with the full version, in the meantime, I'm hoping that someone can tell me what it is!!

Looking forward to some creative answers fellow blippers!!!

And the Answer is................
A beautiful little Turtle minding his business on the edge of the water at the Botanical Gardens.

And the Winner is...........isbi!!!

I have to admit isbi did get her answer in very early in the piece but I didn't want to spoil the fun within 10 minutes of putting the image up. I was astonished when I zoomed in on this wonderful creature and thought I would have some fun. Thanks so much for being such good sports. I must admit there were some wacky answers, but many of you were close to the mark. Here's the first image on my Blipfolio if you're interested.

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