Band Aid 30.

Sir Bob does it again. Bless him.

Blip not quite how I planned it. But wanted to document what this amazing man has started, to try and prevent the deadly Ebola spreading.

Band Aid 30.
30 years after Band Aid. A line up of artists, some well known, some not so. Some arnt even singers!! All gathered together at very short notice.

The video was aired for the first time during last nights X Factor where Sir Bob asked everyone to Text AID to 70060 to donate £5. We did. And this morning we learned that he had raised over a million £ within 5 minutes.

It's a shame in a way that Band Aid will knock the Children in Need single off the top spot, but hopefully everyone will buy both!

It slightly terrifies me, the thought of what so many people are going through and that with today's technology, there is no cure. Perhaps scientist should stop playing with comets and put the money towards something slightly more important.

Good night!

xXx ♡ xXx

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