
By SpotsOfTime

Whiteless Pike (just)

... ok ... I'm going to have to change my name to 'Random Shots'. Whilst walking at Rannerdale I dropped and broke my camera and have no way of viewfinding but it does seem to work, kind of. It has made me realise how essential (obviously) the viewfinder is. It has also bought home to me with an odd realism something of what it must be like to wake up and be blind every day. Every time I switch the camera on I see a white light (reminded me again of Gormley's Blind Lightexhibition). It has been a salutary realisation and made me appreciate a little more fully the terrible loneliness of someone I met recently who is losing both sight and hearing.

So from now on I suspect my shots may be even odder than usual .... so please bear with me!

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