
By DarkPeakBirder

Buzzard looking for lunch

A lovely bright sunny cool day so went out for a walk to look for birds.

Almost the first bird I came across was this Buzzard, he was perched in the top of a Hawthorn tree at first but as we slowly approached he moved down to sit on this stone wall. This is about as close we managed to get. This was handheld so I am pleased how it came out (except for the fencepost behind of his head). The buzzard gave us a slow and low flypast but I just enjoyed looking at the colours on his feathers as they vary quite alot around here from very dark to very pale. There have been a few Rough Legged Buzzards about but this wasn't.

A large flock of Fieldfare were very mobile around the farmland over 200, they never settled close enough for a decent photo.

The walk was rounded up with c80 Pink Footed Geese flying over calling to each other. I love it when you can hear them calling to each other before they appear over the hill.

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