
By sarahtracy

I'm Back!

It's good to be back. I've been away for a while. My boyfriend's camera broke and he borrowed mine! I missed my camera, and a LOT of things happened since I last posted.

Since I last posted I started school! It's been a rough, but rewarding journey. I finished my first quarter of graduate school, and I'm almost finished with my second. This year is flying by so quickly! Although my coursework is piled high, I'm glad to say I'm having just as much fun.

Since then, I've also moved out as my parents are renovating their home. I am temporarily living at a relatives. This little guy, Butch, is their dog. He wasn't camera shy, but did want to play with me instead of taking pictures! He's a character.

Let's see if I can continue to hone my camera skills in the next few months. I'm preparing so that by the time May rolls around, I'll be more comfortable with my camera.

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