Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Sucker's Gap

Ancient aviation truism. During the passage of a weather front there will be a few brief periods when light will fall from the heavens. This sudden display of incandescence has caused the embarrassment or at worst, demise, of many aviating types. It is therefore known as a "Sucker's Gap" that point at which an irritated eejit will gird his/her loins and leap into the sky to be suddenly assailed by the remaining turbulence, ice, hail, rain etc etc that is waiting to mercilessly pound the unwary.

If and when your best mate Capt Icarus tells you to sit back and enjoy your 4 hours of misery on Bonga-Bonga Airlines while all around the departure stands senior pilot types are buying their crew another coffee, look wistfully at the closing doors and wait for the words which seal your fate, "Doors to automatic."

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