Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Stand off at the Melvaig Corral

Hello, blippers - long time no contribute.......
I've been off school yesterday and today with a tummy bug, and feeling pretty awful, especially since it is so lovely outside. No energy to do anything like housework or gardening, it is a total waste to be off work and not get anything done. But, wait........ there is Blip, and no energy required to download some photos.
Molly the black lab is staying with my friends Chris and Fran while her owners (Brian and Simon) are in Mexico. Molly and Paddy love each other, and being off school does mean that Molly and Paddy can spend some time together.
They have had a ball with the ball, taking it in turns to run around being chased by the other, whichever one has won the ball.
I wish I had a fraction of their energy.
Good to be back on Blip, and will do some back blipping.

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