Not on the agenda...

We certainly didn't intend visiting the panel beater today, but after hubby reversed in the driveway with the passenger door open (I had run to check if the front door was locked) and the door collided with a hedge resulting in it not closing properly, our plans changed!!
Not sure who's fault it was - hubby for reversing at speed to get through the electric gate before it closed, and not observing the open door, or me for not closing it???
However, I found the shop fascinating and while we waited for the quote, I took a few quick photos. When we take the car in for repair I will take my camera and ask if I can take more shots of the many different signs and pictures hanging on the walls.
On a good note, we were going to look at a new oven and hob, and hubby T ended up buying me a fabulous one... so all is forgiven.

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