Fight club

November Theme Challenge: Thursday Thanks – something we appreciate: person, place, creature, activity or situation

As much as I love my job, I was thankful for a day off today. The forecast was sunny with little in the way of wind...Perfect! After a quick dogtank emptying exercise I zoomed off to town to get some pizza making ingredients (Miss Emmy is coming for a feast this evening :)

Back at the ranch and the dogs allowed me to have lunch and a coffee - After a quick discussion about where to walk, they decided they would like to return to Skaill Bay. Again we had the expanse of beach to ourselves and there is nothing they like more than to chase each other relentlessly, bite and brawl each other and generally look like they are trying to kill each other. They were so thankful for their walk that they didn't want to get back in the car, I had to herd Sigyn and give her a gentle boot to the bum.

Looking forward to walking as a complete pack with Porridge Wog soon.

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