
...and this little piggy went *scchnnrrrrk*... ...pffffhhhffff... ...*schhhnrrrrrk*... ...pfffhffff... All the night long..

There was a wee wail sometime around eleven when he turned over a bit too ostentatiously and clonked his head against the side of the cot, but he stayed asleep. There was a wee shriek around midnight when he must have been dreaming about a future dystopian society in which Weetabices were outlawed or something, but he stayed asleep. At no point did I have to even start poking my foot quietly towards the floor in anticipation of creeping over to tell him to lie back down. He'd come very close the previous couple of nights with only one backtosleepweeboyo apiece, but last night was the first. The massive bowl of porridge-supper and drained cup of milk presumably helped, but good wee pig all the same.

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