
By tpd


Another busy day at work left little time for anything. The original plan was to go climbing but instead I stayed at work and then went for a quick drink afterwards. It's not been a good week for fitness - I've done nothing, absolutely nothing. Bah.

I discovered one good thing about Moorgate: it's next to the Barbican centre which is absolutely crazy - brutalist architecture, acute angles, tunnels, overpasses and lots and lots of concrete. The station is still a dump however.

It reminds me of Star Wars for some reason, or perhaps one of the dystopian 70's films like Logan's Run.

Musical find of the day was thanks to Deezer: Blush by Wolf Alice.

Even better: I've found another person that not only likes Cosmology by Rolo Tomassi but was left wondering why they hadn't heard it sooner. If you've not heard them it's fair to say it's a challenging listen described by a colleague as "like having a screwdriver jammed in your ear and wiggled about". Still one of my all time favourites.

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