My 40th year

By 54r4h

Am I alive?

Work today - Emily checked Stephs heartbeat after checking her own this afternoon! My fabulous friend Carole dropped off a big bag filled with decorated doughnuts for the nurses and a healthy salad with pomegranate seeds for me! It came with a lovely note saying she'd been driving past my work all day sorting her workmen out and so nipped to the supermarket for some cheer up goodies. The fact that someone had thought about us all enough to deliver some goodies cheered us all up a lot!

I went to mum and dads after work to see my girlies and put them to bed. I've got to be up early for a train to London tomorrow so they're having a sleepover and Mum will take them to school and then collect India later on for her ballet exam. My parents are amazing.

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