Fruity Friday

A pineapple blip...
A flat-based friday, but all the floors are clean and I'm starting to feel more normal again.
Somebody sent us the film 'The Way' about a Dad whose son died walking the Camino de Santiago...the Dad then does the walk for his son, and you see his story unfold, as well as his walking companions... Had a quiet afternoon watching it. It's now made me want to walk the route one day, though at 800km, I'm not sure Asha would be up to it yet! We were sent it because there's a small part with some Spanish Romani Gypsies...was glad to see they were portrayed in a good light.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Clean floors.
2) Hearing about Elon's funeral back in the UK...sad to miss these things, but glad there were people there who loved him and can report back to me!
3) Danny coming alive when he teaches English. The language swaps at THE café start next week too...

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