The Day I met Rodney!

I popped to my lovely friend SuesEyeView for coffee then lunch this morning. It was very chilled and her family are so friendly. I spent alot of the time being a Twitcher, trying to get a good piccy of Rodney...her very famous bit of Garden Wildlife! Sadly the light was poor and too cold to have the door open, so this was taken wiht auto ISO and through a window, but Im glad I got him!!! Thnak you Sue for your company and hospitality!

I then was due to spend the afternoon 'C' word shopping, but had a call from Mr W whos afternoon of work got cut short, and the tone of his voice said 'please come home and spend time with me before I go to Squash then work'! So I did! Im sure my bank manager would have pleased!!!

Got another day off tomorrow, then Sunday, then Monday Morning. Go me. Time to recharge I think!


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