Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Practice, practice...

...or reasons why I love being a mum #5

Yes I really do like recorder practice, and piano practice:

I love the fact he keeps trying.
I love that he gets a buzz from improving.
I love playing along with him...duets rock.

Most of all I love that he loves making music.

Nearly all the other parents I know think I'm barmy. I've heard all the jokes...

Here are my two faves.

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get away from the recorder recital.

What is the difference between a recorder and an onion?
No-one cries when you chop up a recorder!

But if you want to be a good musician you have to be allowed to make mistakes and lots of ' when little Johnny or Janey is playing Mary had a Little Lamb in the key of 'cat being castrated' for the gazillionth time, adjust your earplugs and pat yourself on the back for being a brilliant parent.

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