Who'd have thought...

That fearful Thursday yesterday got worse after writing the blip when R started being violently sick at 11pm. I was up most of the night checking on her (having a 'could it be meningitis I haven't checked for a rash' thought at 2.20 and feeling compelled to get up and check it out). She continued to be poorly all morning, so poorly that we didn't feel we could leave her alone, so jim stopped home this morning and I did what I had to at work (left the lift engineer to it!!) and came home early this afternoon. You forget how inconvenient looking after sick kids is when you work, we haven't had to do it for several years now. Historically when R is poorly, we watch Black Beauty (90s version starts with Sean Bean) and I've even had a little snooze this evening.

Here is R not looking great but looking significantly better than during the night

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