
Yesterday evening (post-blip) I got the message that an old chum and valued colleague had died at his home in London on Wednesday evening. He had been on sick leave for over nine months and as I was working at home today I noticed his status in our internal communication system change from "offline 289 days" to "offline 290 days". I suppose it'll take a day or two to catch up. Apart from shouldering a phenomenal workload for the institution (for over 40 years I think), he was an intensely private but incredibly nice man. I recall how much he used to enjoy the ultimate frisbee contests and the ceilidhs at summer school.

I bought a "daylight" light bulb today in the hope that it would stop me having the excuse of low light to avoid doing any mendng, but had forgotten that most of the lightbulbs in this flat have screw rather than bayonet fittings. Hence I had to try it out in the lamp over the sofa - having not seen much actual daylight for about a week I found it shatteringly bright. I tried a photo to see how it would do. Turns out it was the only photo I took.

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