Death Machine

Had to retrieve the Titan Insectocutor from the cellar this evening after last night's mosquito invasion. At 1.15 AM I suffered three bites in rapid succession. This resulted in a resurgence of my Howard Hughes type paranoia. I had to apply several brands of insect repellent, and neutralise the bites with my heat zapper that warms the flesh to over 45 degrees in a localised area(ie; on the sting location). I then employed my plastic swatter and hunted down the culprit.. A big juicy bad boy of a mozzer he was too. I had to obliterate him against the mirror. I have terminated a few more this evening and the trusty insectocutor has been snap-crackle-popping away.. The only good mosquito is a dead mosquito... I wonder what Bugsman would think?

I know your antiseptic
Your deodorant smells nice
I'd like to get to know you
You're deep frozen like the ice

She's a germ free adolescent
Cleanliness is her obsession
Cleans her teeth ten times a day
Scrub away scrub away scrub away
The S.R. way....

You may get to touch her
If your gloves are sterilised
Rinse your mouth with listerine
Blow disinfectant in her eyes

Her phobia is infection
She needs one to survive
It's her built-in protection
Without fear she'd give up and die

She's a germ free adolescent
Cleanliness is her obsession

Cleans her teeth ten times a day
Scrub away scrub away scrub away
The S.R. way....

Xray Spex.

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