Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


I've had a relatively productive Sunday. I've made a plan for a potentially exciting project with a friend, some Christmas present making that had to be done to be delivered in time, and 90th birthday card making and present hunting (what on earth do you get a 90 year old with five of everything?) and a wee bit of cleaning.

Oh, and I watched an hour of Pingu. Seriously if you want to giggle lots watch Pingu. The best episode of today was the one where a bird keeps...doing what birds do...on Pingu from the air and the second best was when a new penguin joins Pingu's class and she has eyelashes and clearly loves Pingu but he doesn't feel the same way...

And I made goo. This is chia seeds and almond milk and protein powder. Uhm. The internet makes it sound awesome and it's just goo. Glad I just got a wee "shot" of the seeds and not the whole jar.

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