The Big Clock brewery

Mr A made good time back today but it was still mid afternoon when he arrived home.

It was difficult trying to decide what to do; it was too late to really go out anywhere but too early to settle down and watch a movie.

So we went to the pub!

It was quiet in the local, so we made the most of the vacant settees and got comfy and caught up on what we had been doing in the absence of the other.
To say he'd only been away for a day it felt like ages!

I've blipped from the pub before; they have their own microbrewery but now have 6 beers to their name, with beer mats and glasses all bearing 'The Big Clock Brewery' logo.

I sampled all 6 beers, served in gill taster glasses; most of them are pale ales which I prefer. The 'Dark Knight' was a bit too treacly and stouty for me, even though I love Guinness.

It was nice just to go and chill out somewhere else. Better still knowing that tea (pheasant casserole) was ready in the slow cooker.

Happy Sunday :-)

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