
By Instography

The Ground Beneath My Feet: Sleeping out

I hesitate slightly to use this under the theme of 'the ground beneath my feet' but I hope you'll understand that the theme is driven by the song title. Anyway, I'm not sure what the lane behind Jenners is called but I'd taken the train into Waverley in the hope that a different walk to work would find me a photograph for the day.

I experimented with some random walking and firing at the same time. Some potential in blurry shots with bits of colour streaked through them but after photoshopping almost all the light and colour out of this, it makes a better picture even if it is a bit wobbly for being 1/6s. I could have hung around upping the ISO but somehow it seems wrong to be lurking trying to get the best image of someone else's misfortune. So my middle class guilt made me hurry up rather than stop me. Hmmm. As I said before, it does funny things to your priorities and values this photography.

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