
Pretty annoyed at myself that i didn't get a better blip for today - but i was so busy i forgot so at 11.05 i quickly took this! Ha! But... Has been SUCH a day to remember!

This morning had fusion...session was on worship and was pretty interesting to have a bit insight into the minds of 12 year olds when it comes to their ideas about what worship is! Ha! But was really enjoyable and I feel like good relationships are being made even if i was put on the spot by little Millie when i was asked to explain the trinity just out of the blue!

Then had coffee and a good chat with mum. So much is uncertain about the next few months and years and yet i know she will ALWAYS be there! Love our sunday coffees - very special memories!

AND FINALLY - AND DEFINITELY THE HIGHLIGHT FOR ME was one of my closest guy friends from church got baptised this evening!! We have grown up in the brigades and youth together and have stayed good friends. Some of the highlights of my day come from the whatsapp group chat me, joe and a few others from church are in! He is SUCH a man of faith and i have NO doubt that he'll do incredible things for God - putting smiles on people faces with his cheeky banter along the way!
Andddddddd the pub to finish...was good to chat over where we have come from since baptism ourselves!

M x

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