
By tookie

Tree Cutter

Saw this "event" take place right across the street, and coming from a family of Arborists, this was rather appalling to watch. That's why I won't call this Arborist at work....I'm pretty darn sure they weren't bonded and they way they were doing this and then dropping the "cuts" was unsafe and downright dangerous. But made for an interesting blip.

On another note I do not believe that justice was done in the lack of an indictment against the police officer who , in my opinion, murdered a young Black youth Michael Brown. It's been in the national news and , in my humble opinion, all part of an increasingly racist law enforcement gone amok that smack of another way to participate in the genocide of African Americans and other people of color here. There was even a lynching in one place this month. My heart bleeds for the Brown family and our country. I do hope the justice dept. 's finding are different. Every day I read about another young black youth , unarmed, killed by over zealous racist police officers. This HAS to stop. I heard the saying on the radio the other day that the absence of poverty was not was Justice. Well that goes for racism too...the absence of which is JUSTICE . I am reminded of the simple wisdom of the Pete Seeger song again...Where have all the Flowers Gone....when will we EVER learn.

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