Return to the North

By Viking

Winnie is waiting

What a fricking week! And it's only Tuesday. Monday - crazy long day at work followed by a BOT training session until 9.45 followed by a 'parent meeting' until 11pm. Tuesday - full on day at work , meeting after work until 5.45 followed by a Maori consultation evening until 8.45pm. Wednesday - meeting at 1-3pm, meeting at 3.30 until 6 and then a BOT meeting which we are all taking our sleeping bags and pillows to!
Then on Thursday...... I fly up to Christchurch to pick up my niece from the UK, she's coming to visit for 3 months (although some of that I will be in the UK!)

I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! So is Winnie here who is keeping her bed warm (cod she mistakenly thinks she's coming for the summer!!! Snow forecast!!!)

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