Nut Press

By katheastman

All hail, the Dispensers of Joy!

Aren't these a pair of beauties? I bought them for the squirrel's nuts one year for Christmas but they've been in the cupboard for ages. Until this weekend, when we brought them back out.

Squizzey's using one of the dispensers for his chocolate peanuts, and he's renting me (at great chocolate peanut expense!) the other one, to try and help me cut back on my chocolate consumption.

But how does that work, I hear you cry? It's full of the stuff!

Well, you see, rather than munching my way through an entire bar or bag of chocolates in one sitting, as of this week, I'm dispensing a single serving a day and just having that. This way I reckon I'll still be able to have chocolate every day but also have calories left over for real food.

I'm guessing this is what normal people do.

It's been an adjustment for this Chocoholic but chocolate already tastes better after just a couple of days. Or, at least, I'm savouring the taste more now that I'm only having a bitesize piece of it.

I'll keep you posted on how successful this Chocexperiment proves!

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