hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno

Hagley Road

Went out last night for an impromptu curry with friends Z and G, on Hagley Road. This is about as unlikely a destination as we'd ever have, since Hagley is a fairly odd area, lined with cheap hotels at £17 a night, and including a Spearmint Rhino, "massage" parlours and TFI Fridays. It's not an area you'd wander around on the offchance of finding something nice. It also has the totally awful "Clarendon Suites" which is where, every year, a bunch of scared doctors sit their MRCP exams (my other half included). This building really is about as depressing as you could possibly imagine although it was probably cutting edge at the time ... or was it ...!

An ironic area for this curry house given its name - Rose Murree; I haven't been to the Muree Hills in Pakistan but I believe it's probably a lot nicer than Hagley Road.

Anyway, fairly bad day for photography and could only salvage this as a fairly boring option.

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