Going, going...

I'd hoped to be able to continue blipping flowers in the garden into December, but two nights of frosts have finished off the Fuchsia along with several other flowering plants. However this Nasturtium grows in a very sheltered spot and a couple of flowers have managed to survive, but I fear not for much longer. So I'm making the most of them before they're going, going, gone!

Is it just me or does this Nasturtium look like Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors? Need I be worried?!!

On a different note, today has been spent clearing out the garage, ready for restocking with Christmas goodies. I uncovered a box of Swedish Pepperkaker that I'd bought in 1994. The tin was still sealed so I thought I'd give them a go. They tasted ok, but six biscuits later there was a strange aftertaste. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, you'll know why! Pepperkaker poisoning!!

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