Three days off. Yay!

……………Ann has got three days off work. Yay! So after my morning walk & breakfast we watched ‘Jeremy Kyle’, she said, ‘Molly, let’s go out for the day.’

I’ve had a river walk, a village walk and a beach walk. And I’ve had to sit and wait in the car while Ann went shopping but I know that she’s bought some pressies for me!

I liked the beach walk best because I was allowed off my lead. Ann had my orange bouncy ball for me to play with but I didn’t want to play with my orange bouncy ball. I wanted to go ‘stealing’ and play with the ball all these doggies had (bottom right). But then the 13 week old, puppy old English sheepdog wanted to play with me………………. And I’m too old to be bothered about playing with bouncy little puppies??!!

………….And then 'Seascapes' appeared on the beach. I haven’t seen her for two years but I remembered her and went zooming towards her. She had three bouncy balls in a bag for me. Yay! I ripped the bag open and had a fabulous time playing with the yellow bouncy ball.

But then……………….. do you know what happened?.......................... I lay down in a fast flowing stream, dropped my brand new yellow bouncy ball…………….. and it went floating down the stream into the sea.

Ann went mad at me. She has taught me to look after my toys and she was really embarrassed that I’d deliberately let go of a ball that ‘Seascapes’ had just given me. However ‘Seascapes’ was much nicer than Ann, didn’t mind. She said it wasn’t my fault because I’d been distracted by a big dog who was giving me the evils???

Whole days out are lovely but very tiring.

Exhausted now.

Happy Wednesday night Blippers. xx

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