Another 'willing' victim!

This was the face charley pulled when i asked if she could be my blip! Just managed to snap it in time! Ha!!

My day off today...which is always the highlight of my timetable. Arranged to meet zac and nick for lunch at Dubella but zac was called in to work! Nick and I decided we'd still got tho which was actually really nice. Good to hear more about his time away in India ect...

Then Gap*! Which (thank God) was ALOT more lively than last week! Had a REALLY interesting conversation with one of the somalian lads about the religion back home, he ended the coonversation declaring that 'MY God was HIS God just different interpretations' - thought that this was a good way to end the conversation on a compromise! ;)

Then...this lovely lady invited me round for tea tonight as i mentioned i hadn't seen her in AGES! Was really good evening spent just chilling and catching up on whats going on in our lives! She has a new job as a social worker something shes CLEARLY passionate about so was good to hear how thats all going!

Back to school tomorrow...GUTTED!
M x

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